Family and Community Engagement

Family and Community Engagement

This service area is the link between school and home. Your Family and Community Engagement (FCE) staff will provide opportunities for you to enhance your parenting skills, learn more about your child’s health and development, become an advocate for your child, and take an active role in their educational career. Staff will schedule family friendly social events throughout the year so you can meet other Pre-K families and have fun with your child at the same time! Staff will also provide opportunities for you to take active leadership roles within the Head Start/Early Head Start program by participating on your local Parent Committee, Policy Council, and other Advisories and Committees.

In addition to working with you as a parent, we also want to support you as an individual. We will work with parents as they identify and meet their own goals, in hopes to nurture the development of their future as well!


Parents enrolled in the NCWVCAA Head Start program will also have access to Ready4K! This text-based parent curriculum will provide families with fun, informative ways to support at home learning with their child!

Would you like to volunteer in your child’s classroom? Talk to the staff and come join in on the fun!!

Please Email Misty Dewitt, Family and Community Engagement Program Specialist @